Therapeutic Bodywork

Nancy Costerisan 2019 crop low rez

Drawing from a wealth of experience, Nancy Costerisan offers consistently effective, high quality work.

Here are the most common responses to a session with Nancy:
“I feel so much better-I wasn’t even aware of how much tension I was holding.”

Repetition of movement, whether it is from work or doing the things that you love, can cause physical limitations which are holding you back from using your body freely and fully. These limitations rob you of energy, because tension in the muscles requires energy to be maintained.

Nancy identifies these limitations and addresses them with a variety of skills. As the body begins to release the tension that is held in overused muscles, you will feel relaxed and energized.

“I have had treatments with several other therapists, over the years, and no one has ever found the source of the problem before you.”


Nancy focuses on three modalities and works together with you to determine what you need and want.

The TragerĀ® Approach incorporates gentle mobilization and traction to affect specific joints where the root of the problem lies and therefore addresses the problem rather than the symptoms, offering long lasting results.

Nancy’s slow and focused approach to massage enables her to hone in on deeply held tension. Nancy has an uncanny ability to find trigger points, areas of spasm, in the body. Using a combination of moderate pressure overall and deeper sustained pressure on specific trigger points, the knots melt away.

CranioSacral therapy is a gentle hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the CranioSacral system. Using a soft touch, it releases restrictions in the CranioSacral system to improve the functioning of the central nervous system. It is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction.

“I’ve been stuck with feelings of struggle and depression, and now I feel clear and light after a session with you.”

For the duration of the session, all your tensions fade into the background, and a natural state of deep peace emerges.