
“I can’t imagine not coming to see Nancy every week. It keeps me centered in my body and eliminates stress. It is essential for me in order to do my creative work.”
Carol Gilligan, Writer

“In referring my patients to Nancy Costerisan for many years now, I can rely on her work to be extremely effective. Her extensive knowledge in the mechanics of the body and her understanding of the mind-body relationship have been a powerful tool in her healing work.”
Marc Rudin DC, Chiropractor


“‘As a yoga trainer, I teach students how to bring the mind and body into harmony. In her session, Nancy facilitates this connection and she addresses the source of my tensions and injuries rather than the symptoms. I recommend her to my students with the highest confidence.”
Diana Damelio, Yoga Teacher Trainer

“”Because of your extraordinary talent and knowledge, I continue to garden … and live life, for that matter … with so much enjoyment and vitality. You are truly a gift.”
Carol McCann

“Getting a diagnosis of cancer is bad enough. In the weeks and months of treatment that follow, each day can seem worse than the one before. It’s not as though any certainty of recovery awaits you at the end. Nancy’s brand of therapy–the soothing distraction, yes, but even more having the appointments to look forward to, like beacons in the night–really helped get through the bleaker moments. And still do, years later.”

“I am very grateful for Nancy’s skills as mindfulness coach and body worker. I can bring any part of me that’s troubled to Nancy. Her reflections help me to see myself more clearly, more honestly. She is wise, intuitive, kind. Working with her, I have grown kinder to myself. I always leave our sessions deeply connected to my heart, my soul, my real self.”
Deb Koffman, artist

“Nancy is an intuitive and nurturing massage therapist whose touch is tuned to your body’s needs. She reversed my whiplash and has addressed carpal tunnel issues in my wrists as well as many other concerns. The relaxation that follows a treatment reverberates in my muscles and spirit for days afterwards. I have been to many good therapists, but she ranks first among the few great ones I have experienced.”

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